Friday, September 30, 2005

$91-taxes. That's how much I've earned for three Thursdays and four Fridays of typing at the News-Star. My total comes to: $84.04. Not bad.

Despite the unenviable task Mrs. Walters had of explaining why there isn't an angle-side-side postulate in geometry (enough snickering, it's not that funny) , today's most interesting class was drama, as Ms. Dyke (again with the snickering, shut up!) told us about the relatively new musical, Wicked. Wicked is a prequel to the Wizard of Oz, showing why the wicked witch of the west is wicked. Apparently, Elphaba was insecure about her looks and wanted to see the wizard to get help. She got help from Galinda (who would later become Glinda), who was, as I will put it, so full of herself, it's a wonder she doesn't turn inside out whenever she pukes. Long story short, think Shrek.

OK, so now I'm off to Best Buy to get Guess Who on DVD, and see if the jump drives are on sale. Bye.


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