Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I saw in TV guide that AMC (American Movie Classics) is airing a short-lived British sitcom. OK, is there a reason for niche channels like these anymore? HBO, for example, has no meaning anymore. It is no longer a "Home Box Office," it is just an expensive all-drama network. Fox News and MTV: for the love of humanity, don't get me started! Back when they had Supermarket Sweep, I would faithfully watch "Lifetime, Television for Women." And, just now, I noticed some TV14 stuff is playing on ABC family. On a side note, kudos to CSPAN for staying true to their original purpose.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to clear up a misconception on this post. AMC is not specifically airing a "short-lived British sitcom," it is actually a British series. It was not mention how long it lasted, or what kind of series it was.

2/20/2006 2:56 PM  

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