Thursday, May 26, 2005

Where Have I Been?

Sorry, I've been a bit lazy lately. Well, I'm back. Since the last time I posted:
*I've taken and passed my Biology and Physical Science exams at school, so I'm officially a rising senior.
*My car finally has a roof over its own. Upon being exiled from the garage, My 1995 Geo was a target for pine straw, leaves, raindrops, but luckily, no bird poop. Whatever, as some guys built a carport for it and it's ok now.

OK, so summer has started for me, I've got a lot of spare time, and all that stuff.

I can't think of anything that happened today that I want to mention here, so I'll talk about my hometown of Clayton, N.C.

I've lived here for almost 10 years, and Clayton has grown out of control since then. In 1995, there were just 6 fast food places, two major grocery stores, one pharmacy, and 5 schools. Now, there's 4 major grocery stores, 4 pharmacies, 11 fast food places, 8 schools, and one Wal-Mart Supercenter. The town has always been about a 20-minute drive from Raleigh, but some people here never go there. A lot of the people in this town are true "Hicks." I mean, they would apply to the stuff Jeff Foxworthy is famous for. In short, Clayton is quickly becoming a suburb, but needs to shake off the "Backwater town"status. Good luck with that, Y'all.


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