Wednesday, March 01, 2006

My first wreck

It was a stop-and-roll-constantly situation on US 70 Eastbound just outside of Garner at about 5:40 p.m. today. Either I let up on the brakes too soon or didn't step on the brakes fast enough, it was all a blur until I hit that van. I'm sill reliving the crash noise and the wipers flipping on for some reason. "Failure to decelerate to avoid collision, $50+$110 court costs." That's a crack in my nest egg. I was mostly OK, but after making sure that the guy I hit was OK and not mad at me, I realized the pain in my right shin that thrives to this moment. Luckily enough, no one was hurt, a highway patrolman just happened to be nearby, as was Lisa, former phone-answerer at the paper. The 1995 Chevrolet (as the NCHP tends to call it) is fine, already had a few dents. My shin hurts and all, but I think if I take some Tylenol, Aleve, or Equate Ibuprofen (whatever seems to work the best), I'll recover.


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