Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Stupid SUV's, think they can speed like maniacs, just 'cause they're Phat, Dope, Fly, and da bomb! Pardon the ranting, but I'm just annoyed. Some guy in a silver Durango went past me on US70, even though I was already going 60 in a 55 zone.
OK, with that off my chest, here's a summary of my past few days:

On Sunday, my family dragged (Well, not dragged) me to the North Carolina Zoo to look at a bunch of animals. It's not that I hate the zoo, it's just that the zoo doesn't even try to appeal to the common teenager. Whatever, It was OK, but If you go there, don't buy the souvenir squirting fans. They're $7.50 and you have to hold down the switch to get the fan to stay on.

Yesterday, I went to see Madagascar, and I really liked that movie. It's better than Shrek, IMO.

And today, I didn't do much. Just got up at 10, made some lunch at 2, and went to the store at 7.

OK, that's all I have for now. One last thing: visit my Mom's blog. She's got some interesting stuff to talk about.


Blogger Mona said...

From a random reader...know that your thoughts have been read...keep up the writing and best of luck to you.

5/31/2005 9:00 PM  

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