Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mypods and Boomsticks

Well, this week's episode was pretty good. As usual with "The Simpsons," it seems a little late to be making fun of America's resurgent racism in the wake of 9/11. Not to mention "24's" fanning the flames of the above. On the other hand, it helps that we just elected someone who's last name is Obama for president, which they subtly mentioned. Where has that subtlety been? Anyway, the subplot was all right, especially the 1984 commercial reference. I have an iPod myself, but the screen is still in dark gray and light gray. Add to that, if Microsoft's next operating system has the same problems as Vista, I'll be getting a Mac. But no iPhone. My crummy Motorola phone is just the kind of phone that takes calls and text messages. I haven't even used the Internet browser on it. I also keep it on vibrate all the time, so forget ringtones. Just a bread-and-butter phone... that cost me 140 bucks! Harking back to April 2007, when I was temporarily homeless following the evacuation of my dorm at St. Andrews, the Alltel store in Laurinburg ripped me off when I was in a dire situation and very desperate. But I digress. Hugely.

Thanksgiving weekend went by without a hitch. So now, I'm staring down what looks like a gloomy holiday season. I've actually been expressly forbidden from buying presents for my parents. I'm not even certain why, but I think it's the economy. If it truly is better to give than to get, I'm gonna be in pretty bad shape in a month or so. So to all those Grinches in Washington, Bush, Cheney, and Hank Paulson: Thanks for nothing. Bah, humbug!


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