Friday, March 17, 2006

Remember my post from Jan. 10? That was kind of a false alarm, but this is not: There are places around here that encourage murdering your lungs. See this N&O story. I really can't understand why anyone would be dumb enough to even try it after hearing how bad it is. I mean, there was a guy in my class who went through D.A.R.E and everything in fifth grade, 1998 and 1999. Summer of 2002, I meet up with him, he'd already taken it up at 14, following the lead of a college guy. Sadly, he didn't remember me. Meanwhile, over in Calabasas, CA, they've got harsh regulations on smoking anywhere in public. Why can't it be like that around here? Why did it take so long for people to realize they were all dying from something everyone was doing? Why can't we do anything about it?


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