Thursday, September 07, 2006

Visiting home

Tomorrow, I'll going to visit home for the first time. I'll get to see some of my family and see for myself what the heck happened to Aunt Lesley. See, after 16 years of marriage, she and Uncle Luke unnoticeably broke up last summer. They're still going through the divorce process, but as soon as that's over, I'll have a new uncle, Uncle Steve. When I heard about this, it was a total shock to me and I was worried about how Sarah, Rachel, Hannah, and Julia would take it. From what I've heard via the miracle of e-mail, they're doing just fine. I'll see them on Saturday.

In the meantime, Prof. Hawkins has assigned a large paper for Quest class to be turned in Tuesday. We have to summarize the two books we've read so far, Siddhartha and Ellen Foster, but use one paragraph per chapter. That adds up to 25 paragraphs. I may have missed something, but that's how it came through. I don't know if that's the norm for only three weeks of college, but it feels like a lot. Even the paper for my senior project in high school probably wasn't that long. I'm awaiting a call back from Sam, the teacher assistant, clarifying this whole thing for me.


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