Saturday, October 07, 2006

At Laura's

I'm at my cousin Laura's house in Raleigh. She wants to say what's on her mind, so:

hi everybody who's reading Jake's blog! You don't know me, and i don't know you. Isn't that odd? Why are you reading this blog, i mean really, think about it. Is it because you are intrested in what other people are thinking? Do you have no personality and are trying to get one by taking other people's ideas from their blogs? Are you a creepy kid stalker? Or, are you a freaky combination of all three? Very mysterious. Very. Have you had to call the rejection hotline recently? Does that mean you're a total loser? Am i making you nervous with my curious knowledge into your life. Maybe i'm phsycic. Maybe i'm right outside your door watching your every move. I bet half the people reading this just got up and opened their doors just to check and see if i was there. One word for ya': PARANOID. Thanks for reading and have a great day! PS. doesn't this smiley look like Elvis? 5:-) tootles!

There you have it. Laura's opinion on blogs. She's got a point about the "creepy kid stalkers," but she doesn't quite understand the concept of sharing thoughts over the Internet.


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