Wednesday, May 07, 2008

After the primary

As I'm sure you know by now, Barack Obama won the NC primary. And Hillary Clinton seems to have won Indiana by, as of 1:45 PM, a mere 18,440 votes. I took advantage of North Carolina's early voting thing, in which I, being uninformed about the candidates for every race below the governor, was forced to guess which candidate would be the best. But even now, the Democratic party still has no presidential candidate. Of the two left that aren't being completely ignored (remember Mike Gravel?), I find Barack Obama the better choice. I saw his speech in Raleigh last night and I believe he's got the mind AND the mouth to be president. Assuming of course, he stays true to what he says. I try to hold on to hope and believe that everything will be better in 2009, but it's hard.

Meanwhile, North Carolina's answer to Hillary Clinton, Bev Perdue, who my parents hate for an unknown to me reason, will be going against Pat McCrory in the gubernatorial race. I find McCrory to be okay, especially compared to Clayton's own sprawl merchant*, Fred Smith. I might even vote for him if Perdue doesn't appeal to me by November.

Also, in the Congressional race, Bob Etheridge had no other democrat run against him in a primary. Let me tell you, I am sick of Etheridge. He is what one would call a Democrat in Name Only. Having checked out his republican opponent, Dan Mansell, I think I would feel okay voting for Mansell just to get rid of Etheridge. But that may change come November.

*I call Fred Smith a sprawl merchant because he's a developer who developed the Riverwood subdivision over ten miles away from downtown Clayton. Which of course, is making gas more expensive.

In non-political news, three years ago today, I began this blog. A whole heck of a lot has changed since then. I graduated from high school, began college, got my driver's license, and learned a lot about blogging. One can only imagine what the next three years hold.


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