Monday, December 29, 2008

After Christmas

It's that awkward week between Christmas and New Year's, for those who don't celebrate Kwanzaa. Well, the big news to report is that I got a Wii for Christmas. I really didn't see that coming. Mom first broached the subject some time ago, and got me interested. I can be a bit of a luddite when it comes to video games. Probably half the games I'll have on the Wii are virtual console games, which are re-releases of classics from old systems such as the Super NES. I also got The Simpsons Season 11 on DVD. I went to Granddad's house on Friday. Dad and I ended up cleaning out my uncle's old bedroom (he was the last person to sleep in that room regularly.) and found a lot of stuff Granddad wondered what was doing in that bedroom. Granddad really wants to clean out the house, but it's a daunting task. Just one bedroom took all afternoon. He's already allowing his family to take what they want from the house. So I went ahead and got some of the things I wanted. Some of the things I wanted were missing in action, such as a "snowglobe" from Miami Beach (Think about it... snowman + Miami Beach = a few rocks, a hat, and a carrot floating in water). Dad took some things he wanted too. On Saturday, we went to my grandparents' house in Hickory for lunch with some family. I got to spend some time with my cousin, Ben, though it wasn't a long time. He had to go to basketball practice shortly after lunch. Saturday night, in addition to my leg pain, my stomach started hurting. It still does now, but eating something earlier helped for a while. The Pepto-Bismol I've been taking (in pill form, which I didn't know existed until Sunday afternoon) seems to be helping a bit too. On January 5, I will be starting classes again. Having consulted a bit too late, it looks like I'm in for a lousy semester. Two teachers I have classes with have overwhelmingly bad reviews, one review going as far as using the term "Napoleon complex." This could be really tough.


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