Sunday, January 08, 2006

First new Simpsons of 2006

This is one of those things that every sitcom gets to at some point, a parent not really a parent. Tonight was The Simpsons' turn. As far as those kinds of episodes go, this was OK. What really stood out was the toll road bit at the beginning. If there's one thing I like about NC, it's the lack of tolls. The thing is, there's also a lack of mass transit. We tried to get it, but the feds rejected us. Would you believe, that there's some people that are happy about us having to live with LA-esque congestion daily? I'm probably the last one who would even consider revoking the first amendment and I could ignore them, except I have to type their stuff up for the paper. Just last Friday, I had this nasty piece mocking UNC's devotion to diversity. Not to mention, they're called the John Locke foundation, and I feel severely hypocritical to type something from a foundation named after a guy who brought tobacco to America.



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