Sunday, December 18, 2005

I can tell this will be a substandard Christmas.

Our tree is 3 feet tall, it's usually 7.5, My parents won't give gifts to each other, but they'll take a short trip in the spring instead. We're saving some money due to my going to college next year and paying off my Mom's Mercury (I'm not complaining, I get the old Geo). Somehow, we managed to find a day that's convenient for everyone on my Dad's side to come and visit us, the 27th, and that's why I wanted to get the big tree. I'll be lucky to get some Skittles and maybe a disposable camera in my stocking. I asked earlier today if we would even have stockings this year, and it turned out that we did. I think this year's big gift will be The Simpsons Season Seven. I guess I can live with the theory of it being better to give than to get.

Speaking of which: Tonight's episode was good. I'd say that the real meat lay/lied/laid/whatever in the third part, though the second part had its moments.

Tomorrow night is the night when I will find out if I will graduate or not. If you remember the day I weighed my backpack and told about the Senior Project, the big presentation which makes or breaks your high school career is tomorrow. For me, it's at 6:15 p.m. I have to present my project to a panel of judges and they will grade me.

What I'm really counting down to is the day I get my license, Jan. 9. I'll countdown to that here



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