Friday, March 31, 2006

Today, I went to Erwin to visit Grandmom. She has Alzheimer's and doesn't recognize any of us anymore. Even so, I felt bad about never visiting her, so today after work I drove down. One of the nurses there was really helpful, told me about how she was and who else had been to visit her. Granddad comes every Wednesday, and Aunt Joan, her mom, and Laura visit sometimes. Once the nurse told her that I was her oldest grandson and her third son's son, she seemed to vaguely recognize me. I was expecting the worst, her not being able to talk at all and not being able to eat. She did talk to me a bit, once she got used to my presence. The nurse said Grandmom trusted her enough to be fed by her, but earlier on, she didn't seem to eat. She also looked kinda sad, but the nurse said that was a stage of Alzheimer's. I think it'll be alright for now.


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