Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Fed up

Mere days after I mention how SUVs scare me a bit, my fears are justified. Randy Rose, a professor at NC State and the father of a guy from my geometry class was killed last Tuesday. Here's the N&O story. and here's the Clayton News-Star story. I will tell you my personal relation to this. Mr. Rose's third son, Gordon, was in my geometry class last semester. He's a good guy, didn't cause too much trouble. The driver of the Expedition, Ms. Cox, was and probably still is a teacher at West Clayton Elementary School, whose classroom I walked by on the way to my class. She also lives in this neighborhood. The driver of the Grand Am is a friend of mine, David Nixon. He's a good guy, too. Mooned me once or twice, but didn't mean anything malicious. He lives right next door to Ms. Cox. That intersection where it happened is about a mile from here, and my parents go through there on the way to work and back every day.

Why am I fed up? Well, Mr. Rose was in a Civic, which is about the same size as my Prizm. On the other hand, Ms. Cox had an Expedition, which is, for lack of a better word, ridiculous. Does anyone have any reason for a car that big? Then there's pickup trucks. Most of the time, those truck beds aren't getting any use. Some of them have toolboxes that could fit in my trunk with enough room left for an emergency kit. Just this dang morning, there was a Jeep Liberty I saw on the way to school that was towing a trailer for no reason. The trailer at that time had no use other than to lower that car's already meager fuel economy. I'm sick of this!!


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