Friday, October 20, 2006

State Fair

The St Andrews Christian Student Union planned their annual trip to the NC State Fair, and I wanted to go, so I brought the requisite cans of food. We went up to Raleigh last night. I had a deep-fried Twinkie, and the chaplain, Jim Ewing, tried the new deep-fried Coke. He said it was good, but he's going back to Snickers next year. I rode some rides, which were given by Powers Great American Midways this year: Big Wheel, Scooter (bumper cars), Bumper Boats, Rainbow (new favorite), Tilt-a-Whirl, I can't remember all of them...

Also, I stopped by Beacon Baptist Church's booth, just to hear their side of the story. I ended up getting into a real debate, but me and the church guy were like Colmes and Hannity, respectively; meaning I was severely out of my league. Still agnostic though.

We got back to Laurinburg at, like, 1 am. It's really late, but in the field between the dorms, some people are still playing what appeared to be frisbee. It was kinda creepy.

This morning, I wake up with a bad headache. I had to miss class, so I emailed my teachers asking what I missed. I feel better now.

Wait, is it 5:21 already?


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