Saturday, June 10, 2006

I'M FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I graduated last night. It's weird, though. I don't know how to feel. I'm not a high schooler anymore. I'm going on to college in about two months. I really don't know how to feel. Then again, there's a lot of things I don't know how to feel about. I mean, just this morning, I read that Wendy's isn't using the term "Biggie" for their sizes anymore. I don't really like Wendy's that much, though. I mean, they use too much MSG, their fries are always cold, and their milkshakes are highly questionable and only come in chocolate. On the other hand, "Biggie" is what made them stand out. McDonald's had "Super Size" and Burger King has "King Size," the latter making sense, but Wendy's came up with something else. "Biggie." Who would've come up with that. What a concept. Anyways, I hope that illustrates how I feel. My high school years were mostly torture, but it was torture that I was used to, and now there's no more torture left. Huh? I confuse myself sometimes. Uhhh... Bye.


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