Thursday, January 11, 2007


Epiphany was last Saturday, but I've had my own. Having slowly noticed that not all Republicans stand behind Bush, and those who do are attacking those who don't, I know what to do.

It all starts with Bill O'Reilly. While Keith Olbermann is the main reason, O'Reilly has taken down the whole MSNBC network for not supporting Bush. While true, the rest of it, that there are no conservatives at MSNBC is bull. Look at Tucker Carlson, for example. He called out Chuck Schumer for driving one block to protest gas prices. He made fun of Neil Young for being Canadian when "Living with War" came out, for crying out loud! Then there's Joe Scarborough. He's the next step. Scarborough was an actual Republican congressman and he's admitted to being dissatisfied with our government and with O'Reilly. Last week, he took on O'Reilly for those anti-MSNBC remarks and reading the transcript of that, I had the aforementioned epiphany. I consider Scarborough "fair and balanced" at any rate. Anyway, my brilliant idea is that the part of the Republican Party that doesn't support Bush should branch off and form the "New Republican Party". Don't worry about splitting the Right-Wing votes, we on the Left have Ralph Nader to do that for us. The moniker "New Republican" could and probably should be changed, but I can't think of anything else.

I know hardly anyone reads this blog, but in the off chance someone does and has the time, money, and power to do what I'm outlining here, go ahead.


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