Sunday, June 18, 2006

If you thought that I was only aiming for the right, think again, Bill. I just saw a report on 60 Minutes about the Environmental Liberation Front and the Animal Liberation Front, left wing extremists who deal in burning down animal research labs and vandalizing SUVs. Though I have to fight the urge to flip off SUVs for fear of getting crushed, I don't have much of an opinion on animal testing. It’s harmful and everything, but there doesn’t seem to be a better way. They vandalize SUVs, but this is sheer hypocrisy at its worst: one of their leaders is the proud owner of a JEEP!! Look, if you drive one of those things, how can you say anything against them without looking like an idiot? They may just not be the only ones. According to Tucker Carlson, who I honestly don't like that much, Barbara Boxer (Yes, THE Barbara Boxer, as in D-CA) drives a "Gas-guzzling Chrysler" (and I guess he means a Pacifica), Ted Kennedy drives a minivan (which isn't that bad), and Evan Bayh has a Dodge Durango which gets only 14 MPG, as Carlson says in his blog. (I can't seem to link to the actual post, but it is dated April 28). If I ever got elected to congress, I would just ride the Metro most of the time. If I was president, I would get a hybrid limo, or maybe just use a regular car. More to my original point, and I apologize for the deviation, the ELF and ALF are actually threatening to kill people who they disagree with. Now, did Martin Luther King Jr. openly want to kill anyone? What would it be like if Raoul Wallenberg had threatened the Nazis just because they disagreed with him? This is disgusting. I mean, that guy was just sitting there, saying that the time has come to take action and assassinate these people.

I would have posted this sooner, but Blogger was down.


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