Sunday, February 17, 2008

Love, Springfield Style

Halloween wasn't enough. Now they have to start airing Valentine's day episodes late too. And let me tell you, it helps to see the movie they're parodying before you see the parody. As is the case with trilogies, I will review this one part-by-part.

Part 1: I saw Bonnie and Clyde in my Cinema Classics class at St. Andrews less than a year ago. I didn't like it as much as The Graduate or Some Like it Hot, but all the plot points, as well as the gist of 1930s America remain fresh in my mind. So I got the jokes in part 1.

Part 2: I haven't seen Lady and the Tramp, nor did I exactly know that movie's plot. But everyone knows the spaghetti scene. And I'll admit my Mom thought drawing the characters as dogs was "cute." I won't say that myself, for fear of further questioning my manhood. (I have the Y chromosome, what more do you want?) But overall, a rather neutral segment.

Part 3: I barely know anything about the Sex Pistols. I don't even know who the real Nancy is. Of all the jokes in this segment, I narrowly missed the grasp of a select few. And the sudden ending left me saying "What the....?"

Of course, it could just be a coincidence that I thought the first segment was funny and the third segment was confusing. Who knows? Perhaps someone who's seen all three movies.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Super Tuesday?

More like Stupid Bloody Tuesday. By the end of today, more than half the country will have had a chance to voice their opinion. By the end of April, all but six states will have had that golden opportunity. Perhaps I wasn't vehement enough on my last politically-related post (not counting the most recent Simpsons review), but living in North Carolina is officially a raw deal. May 6th! MAY 6TH! Come on! By then, there will be only one choice! There was all this madness about moving primary elections into December, but as usual, only Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina were the only ones talking about that. I don't know if anyone gives a damn or not, but North Carolina has really become a bit more interesting politically. This state has a predominantly conservative populace, with a fair share of liberal hotbeds, and has the fastest-growing metropolitan area in the southeast outside of Florida, with a constant inflow of people from the very liberal northeast. We might just be considered a swing state sometime in the next 20 years. And yet, other states see us through the outdated vision The Andy Griffith Show portrays or the warped, misinformed way shows such as The Simpsons see us: all tobacco, all the time.

So yeah, nothing happening here today.