Friday, October 27, 2006

Upper respiratory infection

I've been sick since Wednesday morning, and I saw a local doctor a couple hours ago. I'm sick. So, I've got ten days worth of antibiotics. Getting the prescription filled wasn't easy. Eckerd's pharmacist was off today, a locally-owned pharmacy didn't accept my insurance, so I end up having to go to the Medicine Shoppe.

Friday, October 20, 2006

State Fair

The St Andrews Christian Student Union planned their annual trip to the NC State Fair, and I wanted to go, so I brought the requisite cans of food. We went up to Raleigh last night. I had a deep-fried Twinkie, and the chaplain, Jim Ewing, tried the new deep-fried Coke. He said it was good, but he's going back to Snickers next year. I rode some rides, which were given by Powers Great American Midways this year: Big Wheel, Scooter (bumper cars), Bumper Boats, Rainbow (new favorite), Tilt-a-Whirl, I can't remember all of them...

Also, I stopped by Beacon Baptist Church's booth, just to hear their side of the story. I ended up getting into a real debate, but me and the church guy were like Colmes and Hannity, respectively; meaning I was severely out of my league. Still agnostic though.

We got back to Laurinburg at, like, 1 am. It's really late, but in the field between the dorms, some people are still playing what appeared to be frisbee. It was kinda creepy.

This morning, I wake up with a bad headache. I had to miss class, so I emailed my teachers asking what I missed. I feel better now.

Wait, is it 5:21 already?

Monday, October 16, 2006

Inspiring story

My cousin Sarah sends me a lot of chain e-mails. I don't believe in all those superstitions about chain letters, but just now, I got one that was inspiring. It's the story of a severely premature girl whose nervous system was so poorly developed, she could not be touched; but she survived and became an ordinary girl. I looked into it, and found that what happened was true. See this for the full story: So, I don't really know how to feel, but you should read this. Call it "Jake's Urban Legend Club."

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Why am I the loser?

I was at a small party in one of the rooms in my hall, and was told there was another party that they were all going to in another hall in that hall's suite 6. I walked halfway across campus to find there was no suite 6 there. This is just like high school. They pretend to like me, then trick me into making an idiot of myself. Why me? Is it because I don't drink? Look, it's not my fault that stuff stinks and it's not my fault a good friend of mine was killed by a drunk driver. Justin, if you're reading this, they did have liquor in there.

UPDATE-- Morning After (Sunday, 12:18 PM):

So, after confronting them, I found that they had meant suite 5. My bad. When you get abused all through high school and middle school, you can't help but be paranoid about this sort of thing in college.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

At Laura's

I'm at my cousin Laura's house in Raleigh. She wants to say what's on her mind, so:

hi everybody who's reading Jake's blog! You don't know me, and i don't know you. Isn't that odd? Why are you reading this blog, i mean really, think about it. Is it because you are intrested in what other people are thinking? Do you have no personality and are trying to get one by taking other people's ideas from their blogs? Are you a creepy kid stalker? Or, are you a freaky combination of all three? Very mysterious. Very. Have you had to call the rejection hotline recently? Does that mean you're a total loser? Am i making you nervous with my curious knowledge into your life. Maybe i'm phsycic. Maybe i'm right outside your door watching your every move. I bet half the people reading this just got up and opened their doors just to check and see if i was there. One word for ya': PARANOID. Thanks for reading and have a great day! PS. doesn't this smiley look like Elvis? 5:-) tootles!

There you have it. Laura's opinion on blogs. She's got a point about the "creepy kid stalkers," but she doesn't quite understand the concept of sharing thoughts over the Internet.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Fall break already?

I'm at home. Back on wireless broadband. My parents are currently at Shakori Hills, spring and fall home of the Grassroots Festival of Music and Dance, the three-times-a-year bluegrass Woodstock. They were just at Peaks of Otter in Virginia, their Christmas present to each other from last year. The AC upstairs is broken, so I'll be sleeping on the couch for the next five nights.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

An on-screen graphic too far.

I just can't believe this: Last night on the O'Reilly Factor, disgraced Florida Republican Mark Foley was labeled on a graphic as "D-FL." In the immortal sound effects of Jeopardy!: beep-beep-beep! Now for my rant: just how far will those idiots at Fox "News" go to make us look bad? I mean, O'Reilly is always ragging on us liberals for going easy on pedophiles, then one of his own goes Michael Jackson and he and his army of yellow journalists try to pass the buck. They darn well better get in trouble for this. Real trouble.

Speaking of Jeopardy!, both me and my Mom have taken the test. Mom has been chosen to audition in Atlanta next week to see how well she is playing the actual game. I took the test for the college tournament just last Wednesday. I think I did well, but I don't know for sure.