Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wedding for Disaster

Another clunker. This week's Simpsons was not as bad as last week's, but was still pretty poor. That being said, there were a few decent gags. It just continues to show that not all hope is lost. But a lot of it is.

I'm going to try to write more often. But my thoughts might be better suited to something where an update is not a major affair. So far, I've been resisting joining a social networking site such as Facebook, which my mom has already joined and my dad attempted have his website, Carolina Outdoors Guide, added to earlier today. Those "status updates" or whatever they're called may just be the change of pace I'm looking for. If I do join Facebook, it may be the new home of What's on my mind. I would have to see just how much a facebook page can do. In the meantime, I'll try to write at least one new post on here between now and next Sunday evening.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

In the Name of the Grandfather

Pardon the delay. My dad insisted on watching the delayed 60 Minutes before watching The Simpsons. And let me tell you, it was definitely NOT worth the wait. This week's episode was just plain awful. The vast majority of gags were either just completely unfunny or wasted their humor by going on too long. They've really been struggling this season. If this keeps up, they may not make it to a second movie.

Spring break came and went too fast. I still have over six weeks until summer. That may not seem like a lot, but this semester has been very tiring for me. Add to that, my parents are still at risk of being laid off. For this past week and the next two weeks (perhaps even longer), my mom is going to be working at night, so I may not see her at all on some days. I've also had a feeling in my head like there's a needle or something jammed in my left temple since Thursday. Nothing seems to be able to alleviate that pain.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Gone Maggie Gone

Finally, back to short couch gags. As for the episode itself, I thought most of the episode was good. They made fun of Bill O'Reilly's infamous rant, acknowledged that some gags have run too long, and added an interactive element. (I couldn't solve any of the riddles.) But I don't think the ending was very good.

I'm on spring break now. Unlike last year, the farthest I'll be traveling this week is probably North Raleigh. But I may be visiting Los Angeles over the summer. I found out last night that my cousin Drew's girlfriend is pregnant, which means that they may be getting married soon, possibly over the summer. (I'm not going to judge them, and you should not either).

Sunday, March 08, 2009

No Loan Again, Naturally

This week's Simpsons makes three weeks straight of overly long couch gags. As such, I was not inclined to give this a good review. But you know what? IT STUNK ANYWAY. This time around, it wasn't that the gags dragged on, it's that they weren't funny to begin with. Some of them were okay, as usual. And it's a lucky break for the writers that the home loan crisis is still in effect. As some of you may know, producing en episode of "The Simpsons" takes about eight months. But that's no excuse for writing episodes on topics that everyone will forget about in eight months. Heck, some topics (such as last week's episode) were out of date when they were written.

One week from now, I'll be on spring break. It's been a kind of hard semester, Managerial Accounting especially. I have to learn more new jargon than in any other class I've taken (even Business Law) and the class lasts from 1 to 3:30 at the latest on Monday and Wednesday afternoons, after which I've already had two classes that day. Kind of a bad combination. C++ isn't much better, but it can also be complicated, sometimes even needlessly (or so it seems). This class starts at 8 a.m. on Monday and Wednesday, so it can be hard for me to get up and get there. At least this class is usually pretty short.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

HD, Week 2

This week's Simpsons was awful. Just lame. Most of the jokes dragged on and on, it's way too late to be making fun of No Child Left Behind, and I just about threw my flip-flop at the TV when that annoying-as-you-know-what coach from three seasons ago showed up again. Are the writers even trying anymore?