Friday, September 30, 2005

$91-taxes. That's how much I've earned for three Thursdays and four Fridays of typing at the News-Star. My total comes to: $84.04. Not bad.

Despite the unenviable task Mrs. Walters had of explaining why there isn't an angle-side-side postulate in geometry (enough snickering, it's not that funny) , today's most interesting class was drama, as Ms. Dyke (again with the snickering, shut up!) told us about the relatively new musical, Wicked. Wicked is a prequel to the Wizard of Oz, showing why the wicked witch of the west is wicked. Apparently, Elphaba was insecure about her looks and wanted to see the wizard to get help. She got help from Galinda (who would later become Glinda), who was, as I will put it, so full of herself, it's a wonder she doesn't turn inside out whenever she pukes. Long story short, think Shrek.

OK, so now I'm off to Best Buy to get Guess Who on DVD, and see if the jump drives are on sale. Bye.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Sweet 17, or is it?

Today stunk. Someone in my geometry class was messing with me again. I can catch someone in the act only 10% of the time, and they've been doing this since 5th grade. I can't tell anyone what, specifically, they're doing, for fear of making it worse. How do I know that someone would read this, track me down, and ruin my life again?

About the title: I will be 17 at 11:02 PM EDT tonight, and honestly, I don't feel any different.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

The girl who slept too little (GABF18)

This was better than last week's episode, with one of the best couch gags in a while, but had a couple of things: As always in the sitcom universe, everything reverts to normal within a week, as evidenced in "Homer Loves Flanders (1F15)," but there's usually some kind of explanation, even a far-fetched one, such as in "Homer The Moe (CABF20)," where Moe renovates his bar, and it returns to normal quickly. Moe says he used contractors, "Like those you can find in your local Yellow Pages." Anyway, you probably understand what I mean by now. You're also probably wondering what these weird numbers mean. They're production codes, which we nerds use to refer to different episodes. Simpsons production codes explained:
7G: Season 1
7F: Season 2
8F: Season 3
9F: Season 4
1F: Season 5
2F: Season 6
3F: Season 7
3G: Season 7 leftovers, aired in seasons 8&9
4F: Season 8
5F: Season 9
AABF: Season 10
BABF: Season 11
CABF: Season 12
DABF: Season 13
EABF: Season 14
FABF: Season 15
GABF: Season 16
HABF: Season 17
In most cases, some episodes spill over into the next season, as is the case with tonight's episode.

In other "news:" 8 days to go, except if you look more closely, it's more like 373. My 17th birthday is one week from tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I just had to change all the timestamps on all my past posts, when I noticed my settings were set for the Pacific Time Zone. After changing it to Eastern, I had to set the stamps back three hours, one at a time. It's not really easy when you have over four months worth of intermittent blog entries.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Bonfire of The Manatees (GABF16)

Great new episode of The Simpsons tonight. Couple things, though:
1. Maggie disappeared yet again. In episodes that involve a trip as a sub-plot, Maggie is not seen. They say that the middle child is most often forgotten, but apparently not in this family:

Homer: We always have one good kid and one bad kid. Why can't both our kids be good?
Marge: We have three kids, Homer.
Homer: Maa-aarge! The dog doesn't count as a kid!
(from episode 8F15: "Separate Vocations")

2. You'd think a marine biologist would focus on more than just manatees, but do the words "poetic license" mean anything to you? Well, anyway, I give this episode 8 out of 10.

P.S. Malcolm in the Middle has moved to Friday for their last season.

Friday, September 09, 2005

It's been a notable week.

First of all, the government screwed up horribly after Katrina.

Second, and closer to home, My job is going well.

Third, I think I "love" Jessie Bova. She's a girl at my school who is really good at hearing people out and talking about stuff.

OK, what's said is said. Have a good weekend.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

It's horrible.

Lord help us. New Orleans is the new Atlantis, gas prices all over are more than $3 a gallon, and Average joes like me can't live with themselves anymore. I think R.E.M. said it best: It's the end of the world as we know it.