Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Fed up

Mere days after I mention how SUVs scare me a bit, my fears are justified. Randy Rose, a professor at NC State and the father of a guy from my geometry class was killed last Tuesday. Here's the N&O story. and here's the Clayton News-Star story. I will tell you my personal relation to this. Mr. Rose's third son, Gordon, was in my geometry class last semester. He's a good guy, didn't cause too much trouble. The driver of the Expedition, Ms. Cox, was and probably still is a teacher at West Clayton Elementary School, whose classroom I walked by on the way to my class. She also lives in this neighborhood. The driver of the Grand Am is a friend of mine, David Nixon. He's a good guy, too. Mooned me once or twice, but didn't mean anything malicious. He lives right next door to Ms. Cox. That intersection where it happened is about a mile from here, and my parents go through there on the way to work and back every day.

Why am I fed up? Well, Mr. Rose was in a Civic, which is about the same size as my Prizm. On the other hand, Ms. Cox had an Expedition, which is, for lack of a better word, ridiculous. Does anyone have any reason for a car that big? Then there's pickup trucks. Most of the time, those truck beds aren't getting any use. Some of them have toolboxes that could fit in my trunk with enough room left for an emergency kit. Just this dang morning, there was a Jeep Liberty I saw on the way to school that was towing a trailer for no reason. The trailer at that time had no use other than to lower that car's already meager fuel economy. I'm sick of this!!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I was at an intersection today and was stuck there for, like, five minutes waiting for my left turn. I was on my way to TEACCH, where I meet with some friends every other tuesday who have the same thing as me. Today, we did some karaoke. I brought a mix CD that had "Smells Like Teen Spirit" and when I performed that one, I was convinced to do an air guitar solo that ended up taking most of my breath away. Soon I was like: "With the... here we... I feel... here... a mul... a mosq... a de... a de....." Eventually I fell over. I had planned that when I realized that I wouldn't sound so impressive by the end of it. If there's one thing I learned, it's how to take a fall. I wasn't the only one. Jeff did a very impressive rendition of "The Devil Went Down To Georgia." Martin drank almost 2 liters of Mountain Dew, and he was the one who egged me on to do the air guitar solo. I started slow, and he said "you need more caffeine." I then decided to make an example of him, headbanging like crazy with my eyes closed and my hair flying around. I also tried "Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm" and "Teenage Lobotomy."

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Gotta be more diligent...

Sorry, haven't posted in a while. They're really putting the pressure on me at school. Exams start Wednesday. I have my ENR I exam on Wednesday, my Horticulture II exam on Thursday, and EOC exams are not allowed to be given early, even for seniors, so I have my Algebra II exam next Tuesday. That's the only one I'm worried about, seeing as how I was always good at math, but when I started algebra, it felt everything I knew was wrong. I don't mean to offend anyone, but I don't want to know what the square root of -1 is. And what are logarithms, anyway? I mean, aren't they just multiplying by a complicated number, or a complicated exponent or something? We came up with an easy way to remember the constant in figuring out the area or circumfrence of a circle, so why can't dfnhiksafikjsfksnzfjazdfskowwshfvouisdkljfsakl.... You know what I mean? I just don't get it, and it's unlikely that there's a simple way of putting it. OK, I'm gonna go... place.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Way to fake me out, Fox.

So, tonight was the real season finale. And... it stinks. That was one of the worst this season. The 18th season better be the best ever to make up for this train wreck.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

This Newsweek story says that SUVs are still selling unreasonably, despite gas prices. I mean, people must absolutely loooooooooooooooooooooooove wasting gas. Around here, there's a lot of guys who have trucks, and I rarely see those truck beds being used. You got all these SUVs, but no one ever goes off-road, which is what their original purpose is. Another thing is, you SUV drivers scare the crud out of that guy in the '95 Prizm when you ride up on his tail. Not me, though. The kind of cars I want get MPG in the 30s. In fact, the new Toyota Yaris pushes 40 and is only 12 grand. What am I gonna do about this? Good question.

100th post! Wow. I didn't think I'd last this long. Well, I guess I'm going into syndicated reruns this fall. Not really, but still, 100th post. That's pretty cool.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Season/Series finales

I'm doing double reviews tonight:

The Monkey Suit: What a way to end another great season of The Simpsons. The war between evolution and creationism escalates again. I mean, seriously. You've got people around here who despite Jesus' supposed message of tolerance and love, there's all kinds of people who use religion as an excuse for the ridiculous things they do. About evolution: In the immortal words of Mark Mothersbaugh: God made man, but he used the monkey to do it. Apes in the plan, and we're here to prove it. I can walk like an ape, talk like an ape, I can do what a monkey can do. God made man, but the monkey supplied the glue. In closing: OOK OOH AHH!

Graduation: Boy, this sums up the whole Malcolm in the Middle concept, huh? Despite even getting literally covered in filth, the Wilkersons come through in the end, even if it's not on top. Heck, I might just be a janitor at St. Andrews this fall. If I am, I'm gonna do a better job than some people I could mention here, but I still have about 20 days left of high school. On the other hand, I might get a reference for The Laurinburg Exchange.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

You the man, Keith, Part III

It takes a brave newscaster... you know what? I'm not up for making a big deal over this. Just click here.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Regarding Margie

Well folks, this was the best one I've seen in a long time. It really made sense of everything, like who are all those weird people, and why are they all there. Around here, we've got a fair share of Cletus and Brandines, a few Superintendent Chalmerses, and maybe a couple Nelson Muntzes. Also, why would Marge stick with Homer for so long? I'll tell ya why: No matter what happens to him, Homer always sees it through and comes out in the end. 9.5/10.
Whoa. A whole year of blogging. Twelve months of Simpsons reviews, talking about stuff going on at school, and the occasional activism. Plenty more where that came from, that's for sure. Keep reading.

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It's supposed to be a cake. I'm better at, like, car logos:






Friday, May 05, 2006

Haven't posted in a while. Not much going on here.

I've got about a month left until my exams. They seriously can't come soon enough. I'm really eager to escape CHS. I honestly hate that pathetic excuse for a school. There are jerks lurking around every corner awaiting the chance to ruin my day yet again, an indifferent administration that is unwilling to stick up for the little guy, and disgusting bathrooms that haven't been properly cleaned since the 80s. I'm hoping for a much better life at St. Andrews.