Friday, November 30, 2007

Too much of a coward

I just spent over an hour writing an epic post. However, that post had the possibility of getting me sentenced to a life of heckling from a random jerk, so I'm wimping out and going with this ramble instead. To see the hidden post, e-mail me and give me your best reason for seeing that "aborted" post.

I've been thinking recently about declaring a major in accounting. It can pay well and it's basically arithmetic for a living, as far as I can tell, so I'd probably be good at it. What's been holding me back is the dual stigma of accounting being a boring job and accountants being corrupt. I mean, I'd still have a life outside of work and I'd definitely not be a criminal, but I just fear judgement. That's the reason for nearly all my wimpings out in life.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

How could I tell?

I just remembered something else to comment about.

This "opinion" in Saturday's N&O is a nasty piece of work. I read it, and I get mad. I write a stirring rebuttal to the editor. Then, a few hours later, I find out that the opinion was a joke. Well, that's just great. How was I supposed to know that? I'm not a mind reader for cryin' out loud! I mean, I can usually trust the News & Observer. It's not The Onion. Anyways, someone better get their just desserts for this.


*I'm being satirical.

Funeral for a Fiend

I found nothing objectionable in this, the long-awaited tenth Sideshow Bob caper. That's good. I knew several weeks in advance Sideshow Bob was to die, via the internet. That's kinda lame. It's like finding out the three nominees for a "coveted" position twice before they're officially announced. Which brings me to the other highly anticipated thing about this episode: Keith Olbermann. Unlike the guest appearances of Alex Trebek, Leeza Gibbons, and (oy) Bob Hope, this cameo was funny, meaningful, and not a waste of time.

I guess I really am losing my knack for these reviews. Still, if it gives me a reason to blog, I'll do it. I'm not about to get canceled, nor can I go on strike. Unfortunately, if The Simpsons runs out of episodes, I may be in trouble. And I am NOT going to review American Idol.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Husbands and Knives

This week's episode was pretty good, compared to the weak showings and the one or two strong showings this season. I really liked the OK Go part, but everything started to go downhill about 18 or 19 minutes in. I couldn't focus too well on the first part, because a separate TV that was a few seconds ahead was showing the same show. Something else I feel like addressing: If you've never been to a suburban strip mall, Shapes was a parody of the real-life estrogenous gym Curves. I bring this up beacause there was an accusation three years back of the real-life company contributing to violent anti-abortion groups. As it turned out, they actually donate to the non-violent variety. The founder of Domino's Pizza (not the company itself) is the one that donates to the former. So, some kind of satire on that could have been done in The Simpsons. However, aside from a few slight references, The Simpsons has never adressed the only issue that I disagree with most of the Democratic Party on. That's right: I'm pro-life. However, I'm more against violence than abortions.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Little Orphan Millie

I knew they had it in 'em! This week's Simpsons is the best this season so far. I really liked the tale of redemption, wherein Homer makes some progress as a human by the end, and this time, he doesn't screw it up. I also appreciated the explanation of Kirk and Luann's appearances. It's the things like that that keeps the internet fanbase happy while they carp about declining quality this and Ian Maxtone-Graham that. Also, did anyone notice the use of the full opening sequence with some new sounds added?

Moving on, I praised it initially, but my Nissan Versa, only three months into my driving it, has had more problems than I'd expect. Twice I've taken it over to the Nissan place in Durham for unidentified sounds in the interior that drove me to near-losing my head. The first time was in mid-October, where the problem they found was a cable and a rod hitting each other inside the AC. The second time was last week, and this time, they couldn't hear the varied sounds I was hearing, no matter how I claimed I was. Both times, I left it for a few days, and was forced to ride two different buses from West Durham to Downtown Raleigh, where my Mom would drive me home. That was an adventure, I'll tell you that. I wouldn't mind riding a bus, but there's no way they will ever link Clayton to Raleigh. I'm certainly not the first to say this: THE TRIANGLE NEEDS LIGHT RAIL! Charlotte's new system starts later this month, and we were stiffed on any kind of funding. I doubt it would change their minds, but the feds should try to get from RTP to Raleigh at 5 PM on a weekday, and then tell us how much we're allowed to spend. As for the car, I don't know what to do. Do you?

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Less than a minute later...

I have decided to follow up the below panning with a positive note: The opening sequence was quite good.

Come on, people!

This year's Treehouse of Horror is undoubtedly the WORST. The first part was boring, the second part was even more boring, and the third part provided an opportunity to make a truly memorable segment but was screwed up worse than a chandelier. Guys who make The Simpsons, you can do MUCH better than this. For shame.