Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Quick note

OK, so apparently, outsiders can't access KnightConnect. Sorry, folks.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

St. Andrews KnightConnect

St. Andrews has an online community where students and teachers can meet online. My page is linked to at the side. They have more choices for favorites.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

If you thought that I was only aiming for the right, think again, Bill. I just saw a report on 60 Minutes about the Environmental Liberation Front and the Animal Liberation Front, left wing extremists who deal in burning down animal research labs and vandalizing SUVs. Though I have to fight the urge to flip off SUVs for fear of getting crushed, I don't have much of an opinion on animal testing. It’s harmful and everything, but there doesn’t seem to be a better way. They vandalize SUVs, but this is sheer hypocrisy at its worst: one of their leaders is the proud owner of a JEEP!! Look, if you drive one of those things, how can you say anything against them without looking like an idiot? They may just not be the only ones. According to Tucker Carlson, who I honestly don't like that much, Barbara Boxer (Yes, THE Barbara Boxer, as in D-CA) drives a "Gas-guzzling Chrysler" (and I guess he means a Pacifica), Ted Kennedy drives a minivan (which isn't that bad), and Evan Bayh has a Dodge Durango which gets only 14 MPG, as Carlson says in his blog. (I can't seem to link to the actual post, but it is dated April 28). If I ever got elected to congress, I would just ride the Metro most of the time. If I was president, I would get a hybrid limo, or maybe just use a regular car. More to my original point, and I apologize for the deviation, the ELF and ALF are actually threatening to kill people who they disagree with. Now, did Martin Luther King Jr. openly want to kill anyone? What would it be like if Raoul Wallenberg had threatened the Nazis just because they disagreed with him? This is disgusting. I mean, that guy was just sitting there, saying that the time has come to take action and assassinate these people.

I would have posted this sooner, but Blogger was down.

Friday, June 16, 2006

I'm down to 26

Just this morning, I had my wisdom teeth taken out. I already had two missing from an earlier operation, but this one required being knocked out. The effects of that gas were weird. I started to lose my grasp on reality, and didn't recognize my own hands. I also couldn't connect what I saw to what I heard, but what I heard was in touch with what I felt, i.e. after the doctor mentioned spraying ice water on my hand to dull the pain from the IV needle, I felt my hand get cold. On the other hand, my whole body felt cold. I also heard myself making some sounds that I didn't intend to cause, mostly some mumbling. I dropped out eventually, and the whole procedure took only 45 minutes. My face really hurts now, even with the painkillers, and I'm on a Jello diet for the next 60 hours or so.

Sunday, June 11, 2006


Just did another Google search for my name, and this time, I got results that were me. My blog is 23rd out of 987000.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

I'M FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I graduated last night. It's weird, though. I don't know how to feel. I'm not a high schooler anymore. I'm going on to college in about two months. I really don't know how to feel. Then again, there's a lot of things I don't know how to feel about. I mean, just this morning, I read that Wendy's isn't using the term "Biggie" for their sizes anymore. I don't really like Wendy's that much, though. I mean, they use too much MSG, their fries are always cold, and their milkshakes are highly questionable and only come in chocolate. On the other hand, "Biggie" is what made them stand out. McDonald's had "Super Size" and Burger King has "King Size," the latter making sense, but Wendy's came up with something else. "Biggie." Who would've come up with that. What a concept. Anyways, I hope that illustrates how I feel. My high school years were mostly torture, but it was torture that I was used to, and now there's no more torture left. Huh? I confuse myself sometimes. Uhhh... Bye.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Long day

June 6, 1944 was probably a long day for folks in Northwestern France, but June 7, 2006 was a long day for this folk in Southeastern America.

Here's what happened: After leaving work after half an hour due to a massive server failure, I went to Erwin to see Grandmom. I just missed Granddad, who visits every Wednesday. Grandmom was lying down the whole time. It was depressing and everything, but I feel as though I have a duty to visit her sometimes, and I have fufilled that. Have you gone to see your Grandmom today? After leaving, I went to an unspecified location to do something. I locked my keys in again, but I was at a place where I could hypothetically find some method of opening the door. The window was open about 2", and two women walked by with something they had gotten that I figured I could use to reach the window crank. I asked them if I could borrow it, and they were okay with that. I couldn't get the window open much more, but another guy came by and his arm was small enough to reach the lock. The moral: When a fellow human is in need, people with half a heart will help. After getting back into the car, I came back to Clayton and got the car's oil changed at the local Jiffy Lube. They have a new thing where they can run a diagnostic on your car and find out how good your fuel economy is. I took them up on that offer, and I was told that my transmission fluid needed replacing, and my fuel system needed cleaning. As I was already getting their special high mileage blend and a new air filter, I didn't have enough money on me for both those other treatments, so I got the fuel system cleaned out. It was an interesting process. A little can with a small tube was attached to my engine. When they revved it, white smoke came out of the tailpipe. I asked the mechanic if it was supposed to do that, and he said that was all the dirt that was in the fuel system. Whoa. Somehow, after all that, I came back home. I then saw The Simpsons on local syndication. It was 3F20: Much Apu About Nothing. In that one, Mayor Quimby uses illegal immigrants as a scapegoat for taxes, and Apu almost gets the boot. Alas, if only the writers had saved that plotline for this year. Then, there was 5F01: The Cartridge Family. That's the one where(in) Homer gets a handgun. I remembered, while watching this, that I once looked at the Second Amendment closely. It looked more like we have the right to have a military, and they are the ones who can bear arms. I'm not exactly sure if that was the right way of putting it, but that's what it looked like. I know The Bible to be hard to understand in modern English, but the Bill of Rights seems to also require looking closely. I felt the strength to write a blog post by 7, but the server here was down, too. And they said "6/6/06" was going to be the weird day. Anyway, I later watched Countdown. Let me tell you: It takes a brave newscaster to bring down ANOTHER certain jerk. In this case, Ann Coulter. Jeez, how heartless can you be to accuse 9/11 widows of exploiting their husbands' murders? So now, I'm writing this blog post.

Oh yeah, I passed Algebra II with a 90 on the final. Graduation is this Friday. It's all over. No more high school. WOO-HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

My Dad's website

On the right is a link to Carolina Outdoors Guide, a website run by my Dad. If you're interested in North Carolina's many natural features, check it out. My Dad doesn't have his own blog, though. He says that if he had one, he would spend "all night" working on one post.