Saturday, December 31, 2005

New year's resolutions

Last year, I didn't make any, except for resolving not to make any. Time to break that and get some for 2006:

  • Get homework done on time
  • Remember stuff more often
  • That's all I can think of.
I'll mention this as well: 2005 was a really lousy year. I mean, I learned to drive and became a Senior and all, but all this stuff happening around me: bullying at school, the CIA leak, Hurricane Katrina, war over Christmas, war in Iraq, and a friend of mine's Dad being killed in some kind of conspiracy involving her boyfriend. I mean, I personally felt terrible knowing that there was all this conspiracy less than a mile from me. Here's to an all-around better world in 2006, I hope. Happy New Year.


It's stuck in bold! PS: I am now using FireFox.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Important message to iPod owners!

Do not, I repeat, do not buy the Griffin Technologies iTrip FM Transmitter!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

I wasn't going to write about what I got for Christmas until I had gotten everything that I would get, so here:

  • The Simpsons Season 7 on DVD
  • Wallace & Gromit DVD (not the movie)
  • Portable DVD player
  • couple of shirts
  • Tetris Tower game
  • Wal-Mart gift card
  • two Best Buy gift cards
  • lots of cash
More importantly, I saw everyone in my family, except those who couldn't make it. I was at my Mom's parents' house yesterday, and my Dad's family came today. Granddad had an infection in his foot and has to have a toe removed tomorrow, but he'll be alright. My Aunt Teresa and oldest cousins Will and Andrew couldn't come either, and that would have been my last chance to see Andrew before he leaves for LA. He's an aspiring foley artist (a sound effect guy) and last I heard from him, he was working on Bon Jovi's movie.

Friday, December 23, 2005

'Twas the day before the day before Christmas...

I finished my shopping. I'll tell you, I really like the healthy adrenaline rush you get from last-minute shopping. I got the last two things I needed to get, then the counter guy talked me into buying another thing I saw there. It was a Napoleon Dynamite calendar. Jessie loves Napoleon Dynamite, so I got this for her. She loved it. I was so nervous, I had to turn up the AC in my car for 10 seconds while waiting at an intersection. This was the first time I bought a Christmas gift for a girl who wasn't my cousin. I'll always remember the day, the place, and the odometer reading: 149151

I miscalculated the days until I get my license, so

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The holidays have begun. The problem is, the semester doesn't end until January 19. The danged tourist bureau made us start late and get out late. Why do they care when we come if we'd come anyway? It's a good thing I got my Senior Project done, and somehow got 100 on it. Well, I'll see ya.


Monday, December 19, 2005

Well, the presentation went a lot better than I expected. I won't find out until tommorow morning for sure, but I probably will sleep tonight.


Sunday, December 18, 2005

I can tell this will be a substandard Christmas.

Our tree is 3 feet tall, it's usually 7.5, My parents won't give gifts to each other, but they'll take a short trip in the spring instead. We're saving some money due to my going to college next year and paying off my Mom's Mercury (I'm not complaining, I get the old Geo). Somehow, we managed to find a day that's convenient for everyone on my Dad's side to come and visit us, the 27th, and that's why I wanted to get the big tree. I'll be lucky to get some Skittles and maybe a disposable camera in my stocking. I asked earlier today if we would even have stockings this year, and it turned out that we did. I think this year's big gift will be The Simpsons Season Seven. I guess I can live with the theory of it being better to give than to get.

Speaking of which: Tonight's episode was good. I'd say that the real meat lay/lied/laid/whatever in the third part, though the second part had its moments.

Tomorrow night is the night when I will find out if I will graduate or not. If you remember the day I weighed my backpack and told about the Senior Project, the big presentation which makes or breaks your high school career is tomorrow. For me, it's at 6:15 p.m. I have to present my project to a panel of judges and they will grade me.

What I'm really counting down to is the day I get my license, Jan. 9. I'll countdown to that here


Sunday, December 11, 2005

The Italian Bob (HABF02)

Tonight's episode is a 8/10. A few comments:

  • I would have suggested speeding up Kelsey Grammer for Bob's son, but that may have proved disturbing.
  • The absolute best gag this season so far was in here, when "Plagariso" or whatever it was was next to Peter Griffin, and then there was "Plagariso del plagariso" next to that other guy Stan Smith or whoever.
  • Did anyone catch who played Francesca?

I also caught the last part of the "Malcolm in the Middle" rerun on tonight, and found that those guys have stayed true to their elements of humor. That's reassuring.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Happy Whatever!

Pfft. You got these xenophobes trying to force their beliefs on others, and raising a big stink when someone caters to all faiths. I celebrate Christmas, but one of my teachers and my employer at the paper are both Jewish. I'm really glad that the Raleigh government has decorations that cover almost everything: Christmas, (C)Hanuk(k)ah, and even Winter. See, they have on display in Moore Square a Baby Jesus, a Menorah, and two snowmen. That seems fair, and they'll probably add something for Kwanzaa later, who knows?


Sunday, December 04, 2005


They choose the one week there isn't a football game to show a rerun! So, no review this week.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Monk is back

Pretty good episode tonight. I'll tell you something, if I ever apply for a job as a mall Santa, just throw me in the nearest mental institution. I played an alien mistaken for Santa once in a play called "The Man in The Red Suit." An astronaut from a planet inhabited by human-like beings chooses a strange time to visit Earth, to eat too much, and to forget his shaver as well. This was in either first or second grade, I'm not sure which.

I officially started my shopping for this year today when I was at Cracker Barrel. Cracker Barrel was always popular on my Mom's side of the family, but my Dad boycotted the place for a few years, after all the racial controversy they caused, but he said tonight, "I've made my point." One of the best things about Christmas is that it's really close to new year's. I'm not saying any more on that.

I want to set the record straight on Sunday's post. I was completely messed up after The Simpsons was delayed. See, I thought it was pre-empted, but the network did not make clear that it would be shown in its entirety afterwards. They could have used some kind of graphic, which the conspiracy theorist in me bets they would have done for Family Guy.