Sunday, December 31, 2006

Keeping you informed... eventually

Time to catch up on the holidays. First, Christmas: I got the 9th season of The Simpsons on DVD, a couple gift cards, about $400, and a new Palm Pilot, among other things. Also, I got to see almost everyone on my Mom's side of the family except my cousin Will, who couldn't get off work and hadn't bothered to tell me he's engaged. Also, with less than 7 hours and counting left of 2006, I think back to my blog post of 365 days ago, where I was glad 2005 was over and was hoping for an improved 2006. That just wasn't meant to be, as I learned four days after that with the Sago Mine disaster. I should know better than to expect a better 2007, but still, who anywhere between West Alaska and Eastern Europe knows?

Thursday, December 21, 2006

It's a cliche, but: BREAKING NEWS

The title of the seventh and last Harry Potter book has been revealed. It's:


Sounds exciting. Wonder what it means? Based on how long it took between books 5 and 6, this should be out summer 2007.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Catching up

Long week: Finished exams, came home, did some shopping, and set up the full-size Christmas tree. Now for the Simpsons review: I liked the Calendar running gag, but the episode itself was merely okay. Better than "'Tis the Fifteenth Season" but not as good as "Grift of the Magi." So, everyone, Merry Christmas, and Happy Chanukah, Posadas, Belgian Nuts Fair, Winter Solstice, Yalda, Feast of the Radishes, Junkanoo, Kwanzaa, Holy Innocents' Day, Waqf Al Arafa, New Year, Festivus, and Decemberween.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Haw-Hawed Couple

First off, it may have another meaning, but I can't stand the other F word. I can tolerate all the other ones usually as I have to live with them in a boys' dorm, but I can't stand the word in question, even in that context and even with a definition on screen. That's where it came from. They used those to burn those at the stake. It burns me. Can any of you relate? Can you? Anyway, the argument tape was funny and the latest Harry Potter parody/latest parody of Harry Potter wasn't too bad. I'll admit that I no longer deal with bullies, but I did, and I learned from it: they're innately mean, but not mean enough to let someone die, because if they do, they can't bully them anymore.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Exams ahead

Today is a study day to get ready for exams, which start tomorrow. Fortunately, I don't have any exams until Monday. Monday I have my Writing Workshop final, Tuesday I have both my Business and Economics final and my Forensic Science final, and Wednesday I have my Quest final. My Writing Workshop final will be 20% proofreading and 80% writing; my Business and Economics final will be a straightforward test; my Forensic Science final will be solving a case that I and three others have been working on; and my Quest final is a bit hard to explain.